Kitchen Launching

It is in a great ambiance that the FHF launched its Traditional Healthy Kitchen in Beirut "Akleh" on Friday May 2, 2014. The establishment and launching of "Akleh" is supported by USAID in the framework of NABAD project for social entrepreneurship.


Academics, researchers, food lovers, friends and supporters all gathered to celebrate this event, to visit the kitchen and taste some of the specialties to be served by our kitchen.

akleh6 Established in a 70 years old building (Zico House), "Akleh" will seek to revive our Lebanese food heritage by empowering the key holders of our culinary traditions: women from various Lebanese areas as well as small farmers and producers. The food - although traditional- will be customized according to healthy standards and served in a delicate way.

Akleh opening

Who said that old food couldn't have a new mood?
