Jamaat Al-Noor – Minyara, Akkar

Minyara is a Christian village located in the district of Akkar with a population ranging between 7,000 – 10,000. “Jamaat Al-Noor” is a Christian Orthodox women’s cooperative -located in Minyara - comprising around 15 women who run a kitchen that prepares Lebanese dishes for the elderly in the area and for catering events. This cooperative is directly affiliated to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Akkar and Dependencies located in Cheikh Taba, Akkar. [caption id="attachment_2004" align="alignnone" width="900"]Minyara CK team Minyara CK team[/caption] Jamaat Al-Noor's community kitchen (CK) was the first kitchen supported by FHF during the Syrian crisis in 2013 to provide food assistance to vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian families. Since then, its cooking team -made up of Syrian and Lebanese ladies- has been joining efforts to cook traditional hot meals on a daily basis to feed hundreds of vulnerable families in the area. Up to date, Minyara’s CK has supported more than 1,000 vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese families. Implementing Partners: IOCC Funders: Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)