Under its initiative of promoting urban gardening, FHF teamed up with Zaher – Grow to Learn, a Danish NGO aiming at supporting young Syrian refugees residing in Lebanon and marginalized youth from the Lebanese host communities, to establish learning gardens in two educational centers one in Aley run by the French NGO "Yalla! Pour les Enfants" and one “Baraem Al-Mustakbal” in Bar Elias, Central Bekaa run by the Lebanese NGO Sawa. [caption id="attachment_2174" align="alignnone" width="900"]Assessing the garden of Aley school Assessing the garden of Aley school ©Zaher Grow to Learn[/caption] The project “Promoting learning gardens as a mean of producing healthy food amongst Syrian refugees and Lebanese host communities“ aims at training young Syrian and Lebanese students on sustainable gardening practices in order to produce healthy food in and around their schools. The school gardens will serve as models for organic farming and permaculture. Training sessions on different relevant topics will be prepared by FHF team in collaboration with SOILS Permaculture Association Lebanon. [caption id="attachment_2175" align="alignnone" width="900"]Despite its small size, the garden of Baraem al-Moustakbal school has a great potential to become a learning garden! Despite its small size, the garden of Baraem Al-Mustakbal school has a great potential of becoming a learning garden![/caption] [caption id="attachment_2173" align="alignnone" width="900"]The project team visiting the school in Bar Elias to assess its garden The project team visiting the school in Bar Elias to assess its garden ©Zaher Grow to Learn[/caption] To contribute to this project, by either volunteering or donating, please contact Zaher – Grow to Learn on zaher.growtolearn@gmail.com