Ursino: exploring culinary heritage around the world
Ursino project aims at promoting food culture among youth in seven countries by helping them to discover the culinary heritage of their country and exchange this among with each other.
The project is implemented by Konstelacio a French NGO which aims to raise awareness and educate the general public about cultural diversity. It works mainly with children but also with various actors specialized in the field of childhood (teachers, animators, educators etc.).
Young people aged from 11 to 14 years old will document traditional local, regional and national recipes. They will be supported by Konstelacio team and local partners to research on the origin of recipes and ingredients in history.
Short videos will be produced throughout the project, and in which young people will share extracts from their research. The movies will be subtitled in each country’s language and exchanged between young participants from the seven countries as well as with the general public.
The team will visit France, Italy, Lebanon, New Zealand, Benin, Argentina and Canada.
In Lebanon, local partners include FHF and Tawlet of Souk el Tayyeb in addition to chefs like Chef Youssef Akiki. Students from “L’Ecole des Trois Docteurs” participated in the research supported by FHF team during the month October 2019.
However, due to the revolution that arose in Lebanon towards the end of the month, activities in Lebanon were put on hold, and Ursino team left to explore recipes in Recco, Italy.
Then at the end of this adventure around the world, a cookbook is expected to be published, and which will compile the recipes collected and chosen by the young people as well as a selection of anecdotes and various information from their research.